The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Friday, May 4, 2018

May the Fourth be with you!

A great day as we stood in the halls today wishing all the students “May the Fourth be with you!” Most of them smiled as they walked by. Worked on how to do our meetings for next year with the other LMA’s and also maybe doing some meetings once a month! I fielded all the comments and sent them to our PA. We’ll see what we can do! Some great comments came from students. My favorite was “and tomorrow is Return of the Fifth!” Got my Lightning Thief books all settled I think! Got my new diversity books all stripped and out on the rack (5 of them! WooHoo!) Helped a lot of students today with picking out books. Shelved books again today. Worked with the Chrome Carts. I have two in my office right now and heard their little clicks from them switching recharging back and forth was a little annoying! Did not have any of the health students in today, so some part of the day was quieter than it has been all week! Had a teacher come in and take all my discard books to put in a box so one of our DLC students can sweep a box of books off the shelf rather than doing it to a shelf full of books! Added up all the lost books today, 342 worth around $4K. I put that in an announcement for Monday. Hopefully we’ll see more come back. I am ready for the weekend! See ya Monday!

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