The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Go Earthquake

We had our earthquake drill today and it was nice and really a perfect day outside to practice. I had my sunglasses all ready to go since I had heard that since it was 10/18 we would have the drill around 10:18am. All went well. We ducked under tables and I had a couple of extra students in making copies. After our building was declared unsafe, we were directed outside. It was lovely. I think they should have sent us all home since the building was unsafe. But oh well, back in we were miraculously safe to return. I got my Classroom Go set from the American Go Foundation today! I was so happy! Look at all the swag! I had no idea that they would send that much stuff! I am one happy girl! Now I just need to learn how to play! They had a DVD so I tried to play that and it didn’t work very well, so I went on the website and watched a couple of the tutorials on it. I did two book talks for classes today, 6th and 7th period. Wrote out a thank you card with some old Leslie Lion cards to thank them. I had classes coming in tomorrow for our eBooks and I’m excited about it! I’m going to have all the students actually check out books tomorrow on our program. Then I had a teacher come in at the end of the day, and we looked through our books and I found an old class set from Gary Soto, Taking Sides and she took a book to go through it tonight and then she asked for a class teaching guide, so we looked online and it was a bit confusing, so I thought, wait a minute, that’s an old book and in the file cabinet in the back back room, I had a drawer that has study guides in it and YES! It had a study guide in there for that book! My PA also came in today and I showed him my Go set and he picked up the 3D printer one of our teachers had and was done with. A fabulous day and I get to go home and take a walk and kick through crunchy leaves 🍁.  

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