The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Friday, December 14, 2018


Not sure I've ever heard that one before! But our PA put out a notice on this cool holiday ornament that students could make so I set up a little makerstation for it for next week. I will admit it took awhile to color in the 20 different circles for the ornament, but a very grateful change from all the book lifting this week! It was pretty quiet. I put away all the books Mrs. M and I had pulled for her class yesterday. Helped students find books. Made posters for the leadership kids. Labeled all my new monitors so hopefully they will get back to TIS one day when we're done with them. Had a teacher sign up to check out books Monday. Answered an email about Three Cups of Tea. I have several copies but one school had 22! So they are getting rid of most of them and then we had a discussion on wasn't there some kind of controversy about all that. I found a like to a Tom Brokaw interview and another LMA posted the same link! Ha! We are all ready for winter break! 35 periods to go!

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