The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


One of our students who has some challenges came in today and spent the entire morning in the library. He was having some issues and had his staff with him while he tried to deal with his emotions. He’s had a hard time this week, but today he was really having trouble. I figured he needed a safe haven and that was what the library was for him today. He left at lunch. I had a Chrome cart returned to me because it had a key broken off in the lock! I let Mr. M know, and he came down with a flat head screwdriver and turned the lock since the key was in it! He told us that opening that was no reflection on his past endeavors. Ha!! I printed up some track posters for the meet tomorrow and then laminated them for him. Ms. C asked if she could have some books for her room and Iwithdrew twenty books for her, marked them all discard, sharpied the Leslie stuff out and put Discarded stickers on them. I left them for her after school. I got all the new books stripped and date due labels all done today, happy dance!! I put them all in a new display by my window. A lovely day!

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