The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Well, I was hoping for a whole day, but I was done a little around 11! Drats! But I got it all done. The two pallets that got sent down got all sorted. I had to withdraw all the science boxes, separate out the boxes of CD’s, and I found one of the books in the boxes had transparencies in it, so I separated out those as well and boxed them separately. Then I had to rebox everything, write ‘discarded books’ on them and tape them shut. Then I used the extra boxes (since they only were about half full, I could put two and a bit more in a single box since they are just going away) and load them with the Algebra books we had to get rid of. I ended up taking back the Geography Alive, only about 9 boxes, so I just got them loaded into my car and took them back to Leslie. Got there around the middle of A lunch. After lunches, the custodian brought me the blue cart and I drove down and around, and backed up to the doors and we off loaded the boxes onto the cart and into the library. A good days work. I worked on the Award Books order going. I already have so many! It was a good day, got a lot done!

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