The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

26 E-Mails

Opened up to 26 e-mails this morning - wow. So I replied to the ones that were applicable to me. Checked in lots of texts today. Talked to a teacher about how to return texts during finals. He wanted to have a list, check off the books to each kid, bring them down, but Mrs. H wants each kid to bring them down, so I told him that they needed to come in and do it that way. Got in some Out of the Dust and some of them were from North HS, so I checked them in, withdrew them from our database, packed them up and shipped them back. Helped finish the library book due slips for the Advisory teachers to hand out tomorrow. Checked through the American Experience texts that were turned in to see if they need repairs before they get put on the shelf for the summer. I taught one of the ladies from the Read 180 about repairing a paperback that broken out of its spine. Worked on other repairs of easy things I could just turn out and get on the shelf. I e-mailed a person who knows repairs for some of our badly spine damaged texts and he suggested we contact a bindery to see if we could get a good deal from one of them. So I contacted three local places that may be able to work a volume deal. I also found a great repair resource that has everything. It was like finding a chocolate Sundae with mint topping and chocolate curls!

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