The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Friday, May 8, 2009


The library was closed all day for AP testing, so we stayed in the back. I worked on repairing Foundations of Algebra Year 2 Volume 1 books again, got aides to help repair our Chemcom books, finish cleaning up the shelves and to begin pulling out our Life magazine collection and dusting them off with their shelves. At the end of the day we got in five boxes! Two were textbooks being returned from other schools but three were some new books! Yeah! So I got those unpacked and started cutting out the covers from the laminator roll and prepping them. The fun part of the day was going to the school Recognition Assembly. Usually we have students invading the library so I'm there to help patrol them, but since the library was closed, I got to go. Students volunteered to get a pie in the face from teachers, we got to see our Oly pageant contestants do their opening dance, various recognitions for music, speech, and math students and a hilarious look at senioritis from two 'blues brothers' types trying to find the source of the dreaded senioritis! The only cure seems to be graduation! They even came into the library for 'research'.

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