The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Back At It!

Started back to work today and was glad to get in and see that it wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought. The carpets had been cleaned, and I didn't have too much stuff piled into my office. My mailbox was clean, and someone had taken all the books and things that had come in over the summer and brought them to my office! That was so nice! I checked everything in and then made sure to give the lists to our bookkeeper so she could check off the fines that would be deleted off the student account. She had also gotten in two more of our AEM iPads, so I checked those in as well and put them in the cart we had reserved for them. I had several boxes of things waiting for me as well and opened them up. One was some books from the JLG that had been processed and sent back. Another was The Outsiders  books we had lent that came back and then I had a bunch of other Outsiders that I thought were maybe mine? So I tried to look them up and finally emailed the starting library and they were supposed to go to McNary! Ha! Not me! So I will repackage them and send them on to McNary tomorrow! I also took an old printer that we had in front of the main circulation desk and let our principal know that since they had removed the computer lab, it was really no longer needed in the library and could be given to another place in the building. I had all the old kiosk computers changed to print on the printer by my office. I had two computers from the summer work that did not want to connect with the server, so put in tech rings on them. I did have one that would let me log on and of course, when they wiped everything, it took out all my bookmarks! So I found the Destiny one, and got it back so I could work on the books. Checked in the box of books that had arrived that I had sent out in May. Checked the two new JLG boxes and will get those ready to send in tomorrow. My graphic novels are really taking over and are way over the designated book shelves I have for them. I had two stand alone shelves from moving all of them away that had nothing on them, so I took the Everybody books and put them over in the non-fiction section and now I have five shelves I can use for the graphic novels since I already have two filled shelves on a cart that I couldn't even put away last June! I'm hoping that solves the problem! A great day back and lots of things done. Got a new AVID t-shirt for this year as well! Good to be back!

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