The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Gosh, only a day away and I really can't remember what I did. Ok. Listened to the talk from the Day of Dialog with Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi about the new book out Stamped. Dr. Kendi wrote the original Stamped, and then asked Jason Reynolds to rewrite it for middle school and up students. Loved their take on the history of racism and then I made sure to order the book for my school and let our PA know about it so maybe he'll order it for the rest of the middle schools. Looked through emails. Emailed with our LMSS office. Checked out the Destiny Discover page to try and work on the new format for the next year. I didn't really get anywhere, but I was there. I need to talk to one of the other LMA's about how she did hers. We will have our last Library meeting next Wednesday so I responded to all of that. Went to the Staff Meeting at noon. One more to go. 

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