The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

AP Testing

Today was our first day of AP Testing and the library was a site for the afternoon section. So, we all made ready and moved into the back around 11:30. I checked in books before then, but we were having problems with our Trac-it program, so I sent in a Tech Life Ring for that. Processed in four teacher magazines and three for the library. I also got the tables ready and coordinated with the counselors on what they needed for that since Mrs. H was out doing AVID interviews for next year. I also got our video announcements to remind the student body that the library would be closed all afternoon for the testing and not to come down. I worked a bit on the calendar and did a new 'math' bulletin board for the little board outside the workroom door. I checked through all the math books that came in from the first semester and found some wrong placements and a couple that need to be sent off to the school we borrowed them from. Helped Mrs. H with the print money, confirming counts for her to take the money up to the bookkeeper. Cleaned out some cupboards and rearranged some that were a bit untidy. The kids were still testing when it was time for me to go!

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