The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More books...

Starting to see cart loads come in from teachers, had three cartfuls come in I checked in and put away. A box of surplus books came in from a teacher's room she had culled them from. Packed up more books. Had a student bring in a replacement book and he had purchased a paperback edition of just the first half of the book! So we went through his list and I gave him all the correct ISBN numbers so he'll be sure to get the right books to replace the ones that got stolen. He also wants to donate his novels to replace the two novels he owes us, so we'll see what Mrs. H says. I worked on our book list in Trac-it. We have several catagories of subjects that deal with World Languages, so I had to retag them all to World Languages and it looks a whole lot better. Processed in three magazines for us and two for teachers.

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