The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


The shelving cart was a mess, so I worked on getting that all in order to help my aides put everything away. Got them all in alphabetical order and put away the sections I’m responsible for. Had an aide for one of the science classes come in and ask for AA batteries. I had some and gave them to him. Worked on my student aide reviews. I had six to do and one of them didn’t make sense. So I looked it up on the internet and found a nearly word for word paragraph about refugees. Though I was pretty sure that the book the aide had meant did not have any Vietnamese refugees, his review and this article focused on that ethnic group. When he came in I asked him which book, and he said the one I thought it was, Refugee by Alan Gratz. I showed him the article I found and I talked about plagiarism and how in high school, they track that and how Google is working on a fix for students that lets them know right away when they are plagiarizing. He went right back out and wrote a review on a totally different book. I have to hand it to him, he is a great worker. Had more Scholastic sales today and totally bummed that a student bought an eraser set with a HEDGEHOG in it!!! It was the only one!! And so cute!! There was a llama in there too, but I might have thrown him out. Our art teacher asked if we’d like stars for our windows and I said, ‘Oh Yeah!’ So they came in today and put up stars on my display window. Worked on inventory today, finished off the 800’s and got through the 940’s (but not the 920’s or 921’s who are in a different section). Sent off two books requested by other schools. Had a couple of my aides I leant to a science teacher for a task she needed done. Then I went to work the volleyball game and in the middle of the second game, the fire alarms all go off! Outside we went and I had only my short sleeve t-shirt on! Cold it was out there. Expected to see a Tauntaun I was. We finally got back in and could only do three games total since buses were coming. Love my job. Though I need to see if anyone with a book fair has that hedgehog eraser.... 🦔

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