The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Monday, June 17, 2019

All Done!

A great day of cleaning things up. Checking in books I found. I found some books off the lost list and got them checked in. Went through all the classrooms and found some more books. A couple had even been incorporated into the teacher’s room library! Ha! I got them and got the books checked in. Found two books that had been paid for so got that information up to our bookkeeper so she can refund. Got her set up on the Destiny system and gave her a quick tutorial on checking in books. Then she came down and I showed her where all the books are kept and how to look for them if a student insists they turned it in, which they might have. Repaired the Lightning Thief books that had come from another school and were really in rough shape. I let her know that I would do that and then send them if they came out all right when I came back and if they didn’t we’d replace them. A good last day, See you August 26th!

Friday, June 14, 2019

Wrapping Up

Hunted down the lost math textbooks. Found 30 of them and saved students $359 or so. Checked teachers out signing off their forms, going over what they had. Tracked down some books that were on accounts but were actually in the library. A lot of lists, helping out teachers. One day left to go!

Thursday, June 13, 2019


I think I was asked to sign about eleven yearbooks today! I usually wrote “Keep Reading!” Or “READ! All the Time and Everywhere!” Our students left at noon and our periods today were only about 21 minutes each. Gave my aides enough time to put away their last books. Had four aides gone today, so I put away their books. Got a lot to check in today. Got all the math books in order and started running lost reports, found three books on the shelves already that were ‘lost’. I love it when I don’t find any, but still when I take the time to find those lost books that aren’t so the students don’t get a bill. Worked with our AEM devices for the DLC kids today. I wasn’t expecting them, so had to catalogue them on my sheet and let our contact person know they came in. She wasn’t expecting them either. And one of them had been swapped out and we didn’t have that information for that student. They still had him on the old one, and the new one he was given was still ‘in the warehouse’. At least it’s cooler today! That makes me happy! Two more days for me then off for the summer!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Today was our last full day of students and we had our recognition assembly this morning. What a great time we had honoring our students that make a difference every day in our school. I was so proud of all the students that got awards. A great day. I had classes in all day with Ms. S, it was great to see them all engaged in making positive comments on what classmates had written. I got in more of the iPads, and just as I got in one that needs to go to the high school, our AEM person came in to drop off devices from students that will be coming from elementary schools to Leslie. That worked our really well! We also had our final locker clean out and did get in some, though not near as much as last week. I wrote up all the student reviews I got in and they are all printed and in the reading binder. I also took home six Rubik’s Cubes to solve for putting away for the summer. I think one of the students that was in today damaged one of the new chairs. I’ll have to look at it tomorrow. The bar that controls the up and down isn’t moving and the chair stays up until you sit in it, then goes all the way down. You can’t adjust it.  ðŸ˜ž I got everything all checked in and will print up the missing and lost books tomorrow and start the hunt. Three more working days for me!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

77 Boxes

The fun part of the day today was our annual music assembly. It was so good. I teared up a few times thinking about how the music that was selected for them to sing and play would resonate throughout their lives. Helping them through the tough parts and accenting the joy in the good moments. It was really good. One student behind me was humming through the Les Mis songs and the Phantom of the Opera. I finally turned when the orchestra was done and asked him why wasn’t he in the orchestra?? He smiled and said he was thinking about it for next year. I hope so. Got all the boxes out in the fenced area today. Had my aides help and there were some who weren’t in today, so I took over their end of the deal. Four boxes each for my aides and I ended up doing about 40 boxes myself. But they are all out there and Garten was notified they are out there waiting! I’m tired. It was getting hot by 7th period, when I went out to my car it registered 96 degrees out. Ouch. Checked in three teacher sets of books. Two of social studies and one of math. Looking forward to a less physical day tomorrow!

Book Club

I was so busy with Book Club at my place Monday night I totally didn’t do this!! It was pretty quiet in the library as we prepared to get boxes out tomorrow. I packed up a few more boxes and we have 77 boxes to go out tomorrow. And I’m down to just one set of shelves of discarded books to pack up, maybe next year! I put away a ton of science books and math books. Had a teacher bring back Lightning Thief books and they are really in bad shape. She had six different classes using them and so many are just in bad shape. I’m not sure it’s worth time and $$ to repair them. She was so sweet though and had purchased six books of her own and just turned them all over to me to use to help with the bad books, particularly those that came from another school. A good day, but the heat settles in tomorrow for a couple of days and I’m not looking forward to it and putting those boxes out tomorrow.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Last Student Friday

And we had an assembly schedule today for the annual student/staff basketball game. We put away books today and I got some more books back from another school. Had both lunches in. I put away the spanish books and workbooks. The science books and redid the shelving on some. Since we have so many books the same color (like 320 of five sets of read ones) I like to have them on shelf all in the same way so the pattern stays the same. That way I can easily tell if  a red book H is in the red book J set. It really does help. Had a great review today and felt really appreciated for the work I do. I am proud of what I do, and to have it confirmed and appreciated was really nice. We had a great talk. I also put away the math books that had come in. Fitting them into their place in numerical order. And the game? For the first time the students won. Over all, a great day for me, but I’m tired and there’s only six work days to go. Have I mentioned that I love my job?

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Locker Clean Out

got in a whole cart of books that have been sitting in lockers for who knows (and I didn’t look!) how long. Almost all of them came up with the ‘this book was lost. The fine has been deleted.’ I had an entire cart, four shelves and another shelf on another cart. Glad to have them home and my aides will have a lot to put away tomorrow! Had both lunches in but refused a gang of the boys that make the B lunch a bit of a trial. They had left a picture on the table yesterday of a person with the words “You Suck!” On it. One of them tried to explain that ‘it wasn’t you!’ And I told them that the comment should not be made about anyone at our school. So, B lunch was kind of quiet! I won’t let them in the rest of the year. They were loud, a bit out of control, so the lunch room is a perfect place for all that energy. I took in more of the iPads today and have all the iPads that are going with students to the high schools except for one. Since they are coming to pick them up tomorrow, I feel pretty good about them. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Puzzling Student

I had a great first period today. First period had one aide in and we sat and worked on the puzzle together and I just talked with him. He’s usually pretty quiet and since the library was quiet I really spent some time just talking. It was the best part of my day. Just a quiet boy, with some family issues, but such a good hearted guy. Checked in books. Did some more stats. Sent in an order to get in more puzzles for next year. 8,098 books checked out. 1,568 textbooks checked out. 263 classroom visits but we had 1,162 possibilities. 4,416 students came in on individual passes. The rest of the day was all right. Had to get more copy paper, so I went upstairs and they let me have a box. Had to change the toner as well. Did get the puzzle done! Yeah! But it’s missing a piece. Drats. Too bad. Checked in a bunch of the AEM/AT devices for our students. I still have about 10 out there that need to come back so they can be picked up tomorrow. I check them in, take off the old tag, put on a new one, check them off my list of items at Leslie, write down who it was that turned it in and the date (teacher brought or student brought in?). Had both lunches in, one set of students has been crazy a lot this year. Today they drew a picture of someone and left it and the colored pencils on a table and it was labeled ‘You Suck!’  So, whoever it was, not ok. Left a little early to take the Snap Circuit set back to LMSS and asked about the headphones I thought were missing, and maybe not. They are not on the inventory list and the box they had at LMSS did not have headphones either, so maybe they weren’t missing because they weren’t there. I put that in my car and realized that I had never taken in the large combs that Ms. V asked me to get for her and they were still there, so I took them back into the building and put them in her office so I don’t forget again!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Order Up

Today I finished my evaluation and got that signed and sent in. I had added in some things, but that’s all done and I get my interview set for Thursday. I also finished going over my summer order and got that sent in. I have it set to go for August 6th, the lastest date some of the books come out that are on there so hopefully I’ll have them in around the time school starts. I was so excited that the border on the puzzle got done and and most of the OSU Beaver got done. A student came in on first lunch and took it all apart! He had such a good time doing it, I almost couldn’t get mad at him. Though I was hoping that we could actually get it done before someone changed it to the other side! Oh well! Got another box packed and did get rid of the three boxes from the mushroom stools to a teacher looking for boxes. Turned in reviews about AVID, turned in some receipts to our office manager. Got in the schedule for these last few school days of assignments and time schedules. Nine days for me to go! 

Monday, June 3, 2019


Checked in some more mini iPads today. They are all due in by Wednesday and I still have 30 to go. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get in more. I picked up the three other wobble chairs and put them together today. Had to order more copy paper. I spent most of the day in between regular daily stuff working on my year evaluation. I went through my blog (yes, this one!) to see what I did and what I wanted to highlight for the year. I got most of it all typed up, added in some attachments. I’ll read it over tomorrow and may add in a few things before I send it to our assistant principal. Packed up five more boxes of books and ordered two more pallets to be sent to Leslie. Picked up my letter of coming back to work, August 26th. So they do want me for another year, yeah! 7.5 student contact days left! And 10 work days for me!