The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Monday, November 4, 2019


I finished up the last of the teacher resources I had pulled Friday and got those titles all taken care of. I got an email from our textbook guru asking me to get all the ISBN’s from all the titles that I had deleted that had no more copies anywhere in the district. So I spent some time getting all those together on a spreadsheet for her to easily pull those numbers. Worked some more on my puzzle piece and didn’t like how it was turning out. I have a different idea, that will be easier to do. I have 14 students working on string art projects and only one hammer! They are using pliers and other things to pound in nails! I asked for hammers today and then a teacher said to check out a site, and I could get some small 8 oz. ball peen hammers for only $2.99! What a great deal! I was glad to not have to clean painting today. I put all that in the back. I also had the 3D pen and glue guns in my office and when a student took it, I explained exactly how I needed them put away at the end of the lunch. I bought a new puzzle from Salem Public Library, and I had five boys (!) all putting together a puppy puzzle during A lunch was so cute! Most students today, were in the MakerSpace area. They were having such a good time! 

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