The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cleaning up

Today I came in to find some tables for a meeting had been moved out into one of our walkways, so I had to take some time to put them back where they belong before I turned everything on and then opened up the library for the day. Got some 9th grade literature books ready for Mrs. H to take to her meeting this afternoon and swap. Worked on my Mandatory Training for the year. Didn't get it done, but at least I got through some of it. Dibbied out our dictionaries to the teachers who all wanted some and had an aide deliver them to the classrooms. Checked out more book reads for classes today. They are doing real heavy emphasis on more reading in the classroom, so it's great to have kids come in and have to check out a book, any book! As long as they are reading. Had to ask for some barcodes since the set we got seemed to disappear for our latest first aid books. Cleaned out almost all my emails, putting them in files for reference later. Only have two more book sets to send to other schools - Yeah! Had the whole JV football team in the library this afternoon and they were very well behaved on the whole - nice to have them in there. Laminated today, but it wasn't quite the pile it was on Tuesday. Checked in textbooks from people who had dropped classes and checked them out other books. Checked on a book order for one teacher, it's been ordered, now we're just waiting for it to come in.

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