The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Today was busy with 4 classes in to check out library books, three classes in to check out math books. We were busy constantly during the first 4 periods of the day! Things calmed down a bit for 5th and 6th, but my, we were busy! I had to do the 3rd and 4th periods by myself! Checking out the math books for a class then the library books for another class! Turned in a cart from PermaBound so I'm hoping to get approval on that and get that one going. Did some repairs and had to make the decision to put some good books down (surplused) and decide to order replacement copies or not. Got my last set of Battle of the Books books barcoded and covered and ready to go that I had picked up last night on my way home. Covered some more Spanish 2 workbooks. Set up the computer cart for a university class tonight. Laminated periodic tables for Mr. R (the periodic table of hair length of dogs, gelatin based candy, race cars...) and some motivational posters for Ms. C. I was ready to go home! Calling for snow tonight, will there be school tomorrow?

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