The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

No 180

 I closed the library today for students to finish their iReady testing and not that many showed up. I was a bit taken aback. I had maybe 40 all day rather than 40 every period. I got all the checked in books put away and cleaned up the books for the classes coming in tomorrow. I went through all the Chromebooks that had been turned in and I seemed to find ten that were really all right and put them back to available. Then I took the ones that needed to be sent back, put them in piles of what was wrong and sent in a tech ticket on that. I had 33 Chromebooks that need to go back. I had students bring in more Chromecarts. We don't use them anymore and tech doesn't want them. I have 13 in the library workroom now, along with the four carts with the new math books. Three more Chromecarts in the textbook room and there are at least three more coming. I asked if we could move them and kind of got a 'there is nowhere else to put them' response, which really sets off my clutter alarm. I am really hoping they can find a place for them, but I have no idea how. Shipping container maybe???

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