The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Flame and Carts

 So many carts have been brought into my back rooms, all the computers for the kids, new math stuff, my discard books, I've been sending my principal other ideas for the carts. Holding for bodies. Storage for clothes for kids that need some. More than I want to remember! Then I remembered that all our metal from the Beachie Creek fire went to Cherry City metal, why not take them all there? So we'll see. I really think the clutter is becoming a safety issue. I also requested new date due slips, have to get approval then I'll submit that to reprographics. I also requested some new things from Amazon to use for the maker cart. NO paint or bottles of glue though! Not on the new carpet!! But papers for things, bookmarks, origami paper, beads. I think the kids will really love that. We had Advisory today and the students that come into the library are with our Behavior Specialists, so they are challenged kids. One of them was sitting at the table waiting for things to start, pulls out a bic lighter, and TURNS IT ON! A flame 8 INCHES high shoots from it. I must admit, I was freaked, demanded the lighter (he claimed it wasn't his, he had just found it outside) and when one of the Behavior staff walked in I handed it to him. I think he left with the kid and we had to have our school security fellow sit with the boys for the rest of Advisory and then our Assistant Principal came in too. Always interesting in the library. Oh, and I also had five classes in the library checking in and out books today, both lunches in. And why are students obsessed with having a Bible? I have more requests for the Holy Bible than I can imagine. All by boys. I actually got one of my two back today. I also opened a book that had a love note in it for the girl who had checked it out. Luckily in pencil, but deeply etched. Young love.

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