The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cocoa and Cram

Today is the last day this week, tomorrow is a grading day only, so Library Assistants don't work. I finished moving over shelves today in preparation for the texts that will come back next week - renumbered the shelves to make efficient use of the space and the end result turned out well. Now when the kids come to put away books, there should be a shelf for every text. A lot of kids returned books today, and I had up my 'look in workroom' sign up for the library side with 'knock on window' with an arrow pointing towards the workroom door on the other. A couple of kids are moving so I cleared them out, and a lot of kids were just bringing texts by. Did the usual student requests - mostly money in print accounts - ran the front desk 4th period for awhile, very busy with kids coming in and out. We have to time punch their hall pass and have them sign in and out. Taught a student how to use the search on the library computer for 'industrial revolution', began the clean out of the shelves by my desk. I usually keep a stash of books that kids commonly come in and ask for, and pared that down to just a copy of each and got the piles of books ready to be sent back to the schools we borrowed them from. Cocoa and Cram is a session set up after school for the students to take some extra study time for finals next week. Ms. C, the activities leader, brings in hot water for hot chocolate and a plate of cookies. Teachers come in and man the desks so students can come and ask questions and get help. Mrs. H has thought about having coffee time in the library, so this will be a good test to see if the students are respectful and careful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You cram the cookies, right? =P