The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tech Help

Today I got some marvelous techie help from Mr. R. It seemed he came by when I needed somthing. He helped me download a font (book geek yes, computer geek no) and then we had students turning off computers with messages and we talked that yes, there are kids that know how to do that and he is looking into it. We also discussed the options for people who come and need equipment for presentations, what is necessary to set up versus putting everything out there for them. Tore down the two Roland Smith bulletin boards out in the hallways and put up some National Poetry Month stuff on the one outside the workroom door. Took down the March calendar (Mr. W came by and looked at it before I took it down and called me the Queen of the Bulletin Boards) and got the April calendar all up except for embellishments. My aides helped with cutting out the numbers out of newspaper for me. Checked out The Bean Trees, and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, checked in Witness and assorted other texts. Processed magazines, had my aides put away books both text and the 'books to movies' I had on my shelf. Sent an email to Mrs. S that I now had enough Witness for a class set and she asked me to get them ready for her. Rounded up mystery books for the April bulletin board, put all the excess cash away for the night, and backed up the Trac-It program.

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