The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Snowflake Weather

Snowflakes fall, well, the pieces my aides cut out today. I gave some of them a break and let them cut out snowflakes and we put them up on the doors. I might have them do more tomorrow! Then a student at the end of the day during the after school program asked for me to sign a sheet that he had read two chapters in his science book - I told him that I hadn't seen him, but let's go over it. So we went over to a table and walked through the two chapters together. It was so cool! Do you know how much kids would learn with one on one?? How hard for a teacher to get 35+ engaged. It was awesome!! Went to an IEP meeting for one of my aides and was able to give a glowing report on how well he's going and mom was grateful. If I remember something else, I'll be back! Just a normal day aside from that, though I did start taking books off the top of the shelves for over break and shelving.

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