The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Friday, February 24, 2017


Mr. Trisef who wrote the Oracle Series was in for three periods today as a treat for the AVID students. So the library was pretty well closed for half the day. We got all books put away today, my favorite thing to do on a Friday! The cart was empty when I left today! I spent the morning changing the laminating film and doing the book covers for Mrs. K and then did all the folders for Mrs. C. One hundred of them! Then I got ready for our speaker, getting out the cart with the projector and the speakers for him. He did a great job with our students and you could see they really enjoyed it. I let my aides sit in on his talks and they were really excited to get that chance. I bought the 5th book in his series since I had 1-4 already. I just hope I get reimbursed! If not, it's a worthy donation! Worked more on the diversity books list. Glad we did not have snow overnight and another great day in the library!

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