The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Broken Doorknob

I put my key in the back workroom door today and it's not working! The whole doorknob is off kilter and looks like someone kicked it or maybe tried to crowbar the handle off. Mrs. H has already looked into it, sending an email to custodians Mr. B & B. I finish up the processing of the Physical Science with Earth Science and send back three that are damaged to Central Stores processing and also send out the Auto Fundamentals books to McNary. I process the Java 2 books for Mr. R, and a teacher edition of the Biology book for Mr. W. He is very appreciative of the work we do. Mr. C from Follett comes back and since Mrs. H had told him to go ahead and buy the old Cest A Toi books (level 1), he locked in the books last night and came back this morning to pack them up and ready them for shipping out to their warehouse. He had a check all written for them and ready to go. He also took on consignment some of the level 2 books. I straightened up the rest of the surplus books. Mr. W gave permission for the Biology books to be loaned to another school, but they had already gotten them from somewhere else but really appreciated the offer. Mrs. H and I also sent out the request for more of The Sixties books. I had gone through my emails and just checked with her to see if they were ordered and when we checked, they hadn't yet! So we got them ordered and set up a system for us to keep on track to make sure things got ordered. I will take in the orders, check on the prices, print up the prices off the appropriate website and hand all that over to her. She will write up the official request and then give all the copies to me to file for future reference. Mr. B comes in and begins to work on the doorknob and tells us that last night when he was cleaning the floors outside in the hall, he heard a thump as he went by the textbook window and thought he'd hit the outside counter lip (which he does all the time), but he guesses that this time he whacked out the doorknob! So, no one tried to break in after all! Mrs. H and I talked about the new calendar for October and she thought we should do one on cancer awareness. We have a book by Lance Armstrong and I look for it, but it's not there. Mrs. H says to look at the regular shelves instead of the biography section we have and it's there, along with about five other biographies, so I properly shelve all of them. We have a lot of books that deal with cancer, so we will heighten awareness of breast and testicular cancer for our young ladies and gentlemen. I'm thinking pink (breast) and violet (testicular) ribbons for the A/B days.

1 comment:

Batgirl said...

I am sorry I dropped the ball on the Sixties textbooks! I am glad we got all that straightened out the books are now on the way! Now if we could just get all the Spanish workbooks all ordered once and for all! :)