The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Resource Power

Put up a new display on the non-fiction rack for the students doing their Greek study. Since the books had come in from a teacher, I didn't have to put them away! They went up on the counter top! All the books got put away today. Got all the math Let's be Rationale and the Prime Time books all in sequence and put away. Had five Language Arts classes in to check out books if they needed to. Listened to a JLG webcast with Kwame Alexander that was really great! I really enjoyed it. My biggest happiness of the day was when I was searching out other Greek resources, the computer said we had PR, which I had looked at the other day meaning Poster Resources and I found two sets of ancient Roman and Italian photos of them now, with overlays of what they may have looked like then! I felt so happy to share that with our IC and one of the teachers doing that unit took them up to her room. That made me supremely happy! A great feeling that I uncovered these and got them back out to students to see!

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