The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Peer Helpers

They were in again all day today, and I truly enjoyed the fragments of things I heard. The students were amazing and the teachers were wonderful with them. I got all the non-fiction put away this morning. Put up a new poster by the front doors of all the presidents with book cover images related to presidential things since the election is Tuesday. Listened to a webinar on Genre Bending and love that title! There was a great piece of it where the author talked about how much libraries meant to her and it was fabulous! I sent it out. Did most of the day working on my book review notebook and I worked so hard and it seems that I got so little done! I'm glad I had two days to get a good start on it, but I need to make a real commitment to getting it done! I had to leave at 2 to go with my mom to see her doctor. Since the library was virtually closed anyway, I figured it was a great opportunity to sit with him and her and see how she is doing. Medically it looks good, but her confusion is there, just a sign of age the doc says.

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