The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Something in the Air

I'm not sure what it was today, but what a great day! Finished covering all my new paperbacks. Got in 21 Lightning Thief for my LA teachers! The aides got all the science books put away. Cleaned up all the Star Wars books and put them in the fiction section above the 'S's'. Learned a bit about Google Chrome. Sent off some borrowed math back to their home. Decided to make piles of books for each of the aides so they won't leave any books in their sections behind on the cart! Laminated two Honor Society posters for one of our students for a meeting Saturday. Put one of our big display books in the copy room (since it is back up running after a week down waiting for toner!) so staff and students have something to do while waiting for the copier. Decided This One Summer  really wasn't appropriate for our school and sent it off to South High School. Won an Amazon gift card for Teacher Appreciation week! I was amazed since I'm not a teacher, but everyone has said 'no, you deserve it' so I guess I'll take it :D

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