The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

World View

I really like how this turned out! The hot pink string did the trick! Finished this up today and had several students looking at it. Not sure if in awe, or in a 'what in the world is that??' kind of way! Had four classes come in for math books. Three come in for science books. Two more classes came in to pick up new reading books. Had testing in the lab all day. The funny pink screen was just the plug in from the computer to the screen. That was silly. But my over fanning computer got some work done on it. Worked the classrooms today checking for the rest of the math books we're missing, but I didn't find any. Went through a box of stuff a teacher brought in to clean out and we had about 20 copies of The Red Pony. The barcodes were all crossed out and the school ID crossed out, but when I checked on that title, they were all still in there. So I decided to put on new barcodes and keep them, and go ahead and delete the ones I didn't have. So that was a nice clean up! Helped a student with our CD player. He had taken our The Giver book on audio CD and the player wouldn't play it. So we tried a different CD and it played it just fine. So we ended up just getting him a new book and Tape Cassette audio book. I'll have to check that Giver CD and see what I can do about it. I did clean up about 35 math books from the back back room, so now I'm only short about 119 books! Less than 2% of what we should have! That's exciting! I just need to check a couple more things and we'll be ready to finalize that. Asked for a book borrow for a student. Got two books in from holds and sent out notices to students and they came in and got them. Picked up all the rest of the immigration books we have to put back on the shelf tomorrow. Ran a report on the novels in verse that we have to put out for National Poetry month that starts on Friday. A great walk during my lunch time and another fabulously productive day in the library. Have I mentioned lately I love my job?? ;D

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