The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Everybody was back today! It was so good to see all the students from last year that were still here! I handed out schedules today and then came back to the library. I have no aides the first two periods of the day! That was surprising! Right now I have six aides, so we'll see about tomorrow! Helped with print down at the copier since the one in the office is out. Loaded paper. Trained my aides. We started with expectations and then a library tour, front and in the back. Then I had them work on the 'Order in the Library' game. One aide said they got all done, but I'm a bit skeptical. So that took up a good part of the day. I had two teachers drop off math textbook paperwork - they give me students, ID numbers and we check out by that and then give the books to the teacher to hand out in class. Since I am still training my aides, that seemed to be the best way to go at the moment! We will try tomorrow with Spanish workbooks and see how that goes. I also need to write up my orientation for the 6th graders for tomorrow! Have been thinking about it, but didn't do it yet. Got to be a bit creative and work on my window bulletin board today, so we'll see how that goes. Pretty happy with the one 'book' spine I worked on. Did a poll from the other LMA's on how they do their lunches and yet serve their students during that period. Sent that to our admin as well as a change on the first break being during passing. I asked to move it up a bit so I'm available to be out in the hallway during passing and they agreed. Wrote a nasty note on the paper cutter we have. I need to rewrite it and make it more positive. Someone used it today and put too many sheets through and rode the blade up onto the bar so it stuck. No one said anything and just walked away. Makes me angry. So, I reacted. But I need to reword it and put a positive spin on it. Not just my frustration that it happens more often than not.

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