The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

I CAN Do the Rubik’s Cube

Feeling really accomplished as I finished off three Rubik’s Cubes today left by students! Considering my first two took around three hours each, I did my last one right before I left work, in about 20 minutes! I’m getting the moves down with the booklet they gave us, recognizing the patterns is about down, now to do the moves without looking at the book! Feeling good about learning and I even helped a student who gave up and showed him how I use the book. I got together a bunch of old things and put in a tech ticket to get them picked up. Had my aides count up the remotes, speakers, headphones and get them all together. Mr. W showed up to pick everything up and had a whole cart full of stuff to take out of the library that had been just sitting around. Old technology that is no longer in use. I try to tell myself that we are not a museum or archival library, but still, sometimes it’s hard to let things go. Remembered I had books up in the freezer, so went up to check them out. They are not going to get any better. Though the water had frozen, it was not going to be anytime soon, or in the next year for them to finally get all that frozen water wicked out. So I deleted them and put them with my books to discard. Quieter day today, had the STEAM kids in for lunches and that worked out really well. Heading out to be with my hubby on his Jazz show on KMUZ. The Breeze, from 4 - 6pm on Thursdays! Glad I get to help out and be with him rather than just listen while I’m at work!

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