The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Books Down! Books Down!

Got in and started computers up for the day. There was a sign saying we'd be getting our new computer lab tomorrow! So I'm anxious for that and to see how pretty it will be! I hope to come in and see our techs working! Mr. B, the techie from Sprague when they had people stationed there was in, we didn't talk but I saw him come in as I was reading. Five classes today. LLI with my new kiddo and one of the old ones, so just two. I can handle two! Back to the library to shelve and got all the fiction done. Then three classes in a row and my lunch time, then cafeteria duty, and our Monday class came in since we were off Monday, then up to Mrs. M's room, back down for my last class of the day. Then Mrs. M's class was in the library computer lab, so I went in there and then back up to the room with the class. Mrs. M had a meeting, so I got to finish out the day by finishing up the Mercy Watson book she was reading and we survived the 20 minutes until school was over. I think it was the class right after cafeteria duty, but the library is a mess. Books all over the floors, every which way on the shelves, it is a huge mess. I left it for the night since I want to record it, so I'll bring in my iPad tomorrow to tape it. Worked on getting the non-fiction ready to shelve until time to leave.

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