The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Today went well until lunch duty. A kid came up to me holding his tray that was swimming in some kind of liquid, handed me the tray, said 'teacher...' and proceeded to throw up all over the tray and my hands!! Arghhh! SANITIZE!!!! I'm thinking that the liquid on the tray was the first barf....  Poor guy! I sent him to the office and I washed my hands about three times, washing my coat right now! Had one class today, worked on my January authors. Worked up in Mrs. M's class. Worked on a stack of papers for her, pulled out a test out of the back of each collated section, but did it wrong! When I went back that afternoon, I had stapled 4 sheets of test together, but there actually two tests, two pages each, and I hadn't even noticed - I felt bad because she took them all apart and had to do it the right way. Took down all the Christmasy books off the tops of the book cases. Sent out a couple of book requests to other schools. Sent back a couple of books to other schools. Had a sub in the building today and she helped shelve for me and that was a huge help! Sent out an email to tell teachers to let students know that all books are due today! Started to check some in, but hoping for lots more. Had a lockdown for awhile with an incident in the neighborhood, so glad it didn't escalate any further. Went shopping at Powell's with Mrs. H from Sprague over break. She had a PO to buy books so I helped her with that. But I did find an awesome book I had to buy for Bush. Star Wars: Jedi Academy - a sort of Wimpy Kid's guide to the academy with drawings and it just called to me (breathey like Darth Vader) "Debbie, I am the book you need for Bush." So, I sent that in today to get it processed. Had a kid come in at the end of the day who still owes for a book even though he's on into middle school. I talked with him and then let his current library media assistant know that if there was no other option, he could work it off for her and then to let me know and I'd waive the fine.

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