The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Another long day of testing. All day long again today. We had five classes of science students come in and get new textbooks today. My aides helped when they were here and put away the ones the students turned in. I have this touch of OCDness in the science books...they must all be put away the proper way. All the ends facing out. Not the tops of the books, but the bottoms so they all look the same. I actually spent some time turning around the ones that were facing the wrong way. Yeah, it's just the way I roll...>D  One of our high school librarians sent me a link to a middle school webinar on great new middle school books, so I signed up and am very excited to watch that on Tuesday. I also sent the link to the other middle schools so they can watch too if they want. Did a few minor repairs. Checked in and out library books today. Monitored some of the students that were done with their tests while their teacher was with those that weren't done yet. A great day. I love my job!

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