The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Waiting for Books!

Got all my book order sent in today and talked with Mrs. H at LMSS and she finally said for me to just sit back and wait for the books to come :D That's so cool! Had LLI this morning and only had two kids, then back to the library to work on that book order (what? I ordered a CD? I meant a book!) Got books together for my DLC class today. They have me put out books on a table for their kids to look at. Then my three classes, lunch, cafeteria duty. I had a couple of kids ask me during lunch if they could come in and work off their fines, so after lunch I went in and they went to work. Both of them worked for the whole half an hour and got $5 each on their account. Just a bit more for them to go. Up to Mrs. M's and listened to her do a nutrition talk with King Henry the Egg, Queen Anna-Banana. Oh my! Then back down to do my last class for the day, back up to Mrs. M's room for math. I watched a table of kids working on their addition with carrying. I had to add fast! Back to the library. Sent out several books to other schools and found one for a teacher here. Then we had a meeting for the rest of the afternoon working on the calendar for the month. 

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