The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nice Treats

First today I had a maintenance man come in and drill the hole in my desk for the printer cords! I had asked way back in October on one of my first days! Then I had asked if a staff member from Sprague who lost her wheelchair student who passed away, if it might be possible to transfer her from the DLC to working with our wheelchair student who lost his one on one from an injury, just for the rest of the year. Today she was with our student! That made me very happy, it seemed like a perfect fit for both of them and I'm glad it happened! Had LLI today with only one student, and another who came in at the end. Then did some work for Mrs. M, took her books down and checked them in (she had a set of president books) and then brought her class up and we had reading time. Cafeteria duty, then a bit of time to relabel shelves from all the moving I did before break. Back up to Mrs. M, then I got to paint my clay sculpture I did before break, then Mrs. M had me read Because of Winn-Dixie to her class. Then we did math, graphs, I do like graphs! Then back down to finish relabeling shelves and got those all done and some books checked in too. A nice satisfying day.

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