The daily life of a Middle School Library Media Assistant.

Friday, April 3, 2020

3 Best Parts

Had two meetings today with our school network and then with our Superintendent. Our school meeting went fairly quickly, and I spoke up on how amazing it was without knowing that this event would flip our world, that technology started two years ago to replace all computer labs with each classroom having its own computer cart. Today and yesterday the district gave out literally thousands of computers to students to take home to start long distance learning. If they hadn't been proactive at taking that stance that our district needed to do that, we would not have had the ability to equip our students for learning from home. Kudos to Technology and the folks who pushed to make that happen.

Our superintendent asked us to reflect on the three best parts of this week and three of the best learning ideas you did this week.

Best Parts:  Teachers excited to teach, even if remotely; getting to work on the bond work that includes the library; able to send out resources for our teachers to use

Best Learning:  Microsoft Teams! We'd already done quite a bit in our Library Media group, but now with teachers and meetings, quite the learning curve;  Getting back into our digital learning resources with Gale; setting up my home computer to be able to work from home!

All in all, an important week as I did really a lot of things just from home. I miss my aides, and the student contact I get. Walking around my library and playing with the books. But I was amazed at what I accessed and worked with just from here at home. We've been tasked with doing nothing work related for the weekend, and I'm all for that!

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